What to visit / Themed routes / Women of Ciutat Vella walk / Francesca Bonnemaison i Farriols

Francesca Bonnemaison i Farriols

Educator (Barcelona, 12th April 1872–12th October 1949)

Francesca Bonnemaison was an educator and enterprising figure who spearheaded the fight for women's education in Barcelona from a feminist standpoint. In 1909, she founded the women's library, the Biblioteca Popular de la Dona, with the women's group, the Junta de les Dames Cooperatives, and donated 100 books and 500 pesetas. The library was set up at the behest of the rector of the church of Santa Anna and provided access to books for women of all backgrounds. It was run by and for women and raised awareness of feminist issues, ran classes in pattern cutting and dressmaking, commercial calculus, typing, arithmetic, grammar in a number of languages, shorthand and physical education. Its mission was to contribute to the emancipation and independence of women.

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