Résultat de votre recherche "Basque"
Modifier la rechercheSagardi BCN Gòtic is another temple to Basque cuisine in Barcelona. It is located on the ground floor of a historic, 14th-century building and specialises in tapas and pintxos from the Basque country. It has two different areas: the bar, in the style of traditional Basque taverns, and the cosy dining room, which is also a cider bar.
Argenteria, 62, 08003, Barcelona | Téléphone:933 199 993 | Courriel: reserves@sagardi.com | Toile: www.gruposagardi.com/restaurante/sagardi-cocineros-vascos/barcelona
2 | TXAPELA Passeig de Gràcia, 58
Located on the iconic Passeig de Gràcia, Txapela recreates the cosy, fun atmosphere of a typical Basque tavern. Its bar is piled high with more than 50 types of pintxos and tapas. It also serves daily mini casseroles and new dishes every week.
Pg. de Gràcia, 58, 08007, Barcelona | Téléphone:934 872 279 | Courriel: tx2.de@angrup.com | Toile: www.txapelarestaurant.cat